Can Facial Fillers Migrate? - A Comprehensive Guide

Filler migration is the movement of a dermal filler from the injection site to another area of the body. While it is possible for fillers to migrate, this side effect is extremely rare and can be avoided by choosing a qualified injector. The Juvederm migration is exactly what it seems. In rare cases, facial fillers such as Juvederm may migrate to another site on the face a few days after the injection.

This occurs when the filler moves before it has fully adhered to the facial tissue. Filler migration is defined as the process of spreading or “migrating” the dermal filler to another area beyond the injection site. While migration is mostly spoken in terms of lip fillers, it can also occur anywhere the filler is injected, including the lacrimal canal, jawline, and cheeks. In recent times, Dr.

Gavin Chan has made an interesting discovery about dermal fillers that has “impressed” him with regard to their longevity. Overfilling when treated with dermal filler is another factor that may increase the risk of filler migration. Over time, as facial movement increases in areas such as the lips or cheeks, the filler breaks down and dissolves at a faster rate. Achieving beautiful and natural results from facial fillers requires expert administration of injections that really is “part art and part science”.

This very rare type of migration, due to illness, is more likely to occur months or even years after the facial filler was injected and is located deep in the dermal layers, even close to the bone. In this case, you can sometimes place too much padding in areas that should not be or placing the filling too deep. To ensure you receive the most beautiful and natural facial filler results, schedule a consultation at AMAE Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in Birmingham, MI today. The final cost and number of sessions required vary on a case-by-case basis, but depend largely on the amount of filler that dissolves, the time it takes there, and the type of filler originally injected.

But in most cases of migration of facial filler is probably due to an inexperienced or untrained provider who did not know what he was doing. With more people deciding to undergo dermal filler treatments, there is a misconception that “the more dermal fillers have been injected, the better”. When patients come back to me after 3 weeks of receiving a lip dermal filler treatment and say that the dermal filler “is gone”, I now know it hasn't dissolved. However, the best course of action in rare cases of migration of facial fillers is to have a highly trained injector such as Dr.

Gavin Chan administer them. The best way to avoid Juvederm migration is to choose a professional, highly qualified beautician who has years of experience applying facial fillers such as Juvederm. If you search online, ask other aesthetic doctors who inject fillers regularly, and then ask patients how long fillers last, you will usually get an answer of 6-18 months. Orbital complications after dermal filler injection may be due to inadvertent direct injection or may occur latently after filler migration according to a retrospective review of six cases at the American Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery meeting ophthalmologic.

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